Awakening is a beautiful journey of consciousness, a remembrance of our true selves.
My soul’s journey to wellness has been a gradual unfolding of lessons, karma, contracts and characters woven into the tapestry of my human experiences, my soul story.
My soul was beyond tired and completely exhausted. I had nothing left to give and so much left to do. I stopped, inhaled deeply, moving out of my physical body and observed myself from a higher perspective. From this vantage point, I shone the spotlight within, into my darkness, into my pain, with brutal honesty.
I released everything that no longer served me, shedding the weight of burden, loss, duty and expectations to name a few and surrendered. Surrendering, trusting, and allowing whatever to be, to just be. Over time, everything became clearer, easier, lighter, and brighter.
The signs were plentiful and clear, my life began to flow and move in a purposeful direction. I experienced a profound expansion within my being, aligning energetically with absolute faith and trust.
It was an indescribable reunion between soul and source, bursting forth with infinite love. In this state of flow, I learned that the Universe always provides everything one needs. The challenge lies in maintaining a higher frequency of consciousness, of trust, faith, acceptance, compassion, patience, peace, joy and love. Of which organically dissolved the weight of low-vibe frequencies such as anger, grief, fear, apathy, guilt, and shame from my story.
Becoming a loving caretaker of my energy, reclaiming my power, and being mindful of what I allow into my energy field. I am consciously vigilant of the entanglements, events, and behaviors that drag me back into the 3D game or lower dimensions, designed to keep us all suppressed, stressed, disconnected, and floundering in the dark. In this state, we are easily controlled.
Ultimately, it is up to each individual to work through in their own way. There is no quick fix or magic pill; instead, you are the author and main character of your story, equipped with the superpowers of Love, Free Will, and Sovereignty. We chose to come and have all of these human experiences and will return to Earth School until we learn our lessons. Time, as we understand it, is irrelevant in other dimensions.
Awakening is a unique and multidimensional experience for each of us, whether it happens in an instant or unfolds gradually. It is a beautiful journey of consciousness, a remembrance of our true selves.
Our collective awakening includes our infinite connections, embracing the value of all sentient beings, for our human existence holds far greater purpose beyond the monotonous cycle of eat, work, sleep, die and repeat.
From a higher perspective, I gazed upon the suffering of humanity and the chains that bind us in fear and enslavement. These shackles, woven deceitfully into our history and society, are upheld by networks of greed, power, and control. The reality of 3D.
As Rumi once said, “Why do we stay in prison when the door is wide open?”
By following and trusting my higher guidance, I freed myself and leapt into the expansive quantum realms. It is where I found purpose and direction, guiding others on a path of self-discovery and higher understanding. Deep within, I have always known that we have the power to heal ourselves, far beyond what we have been led to believe.
Connecting with our Higher Wisdom is accessible to all and is our natural state of being and we are remembering. This is the reality of the fifth dimension and beyond.
Through the extraordinary gift of Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®), I have witnessed profound results and many spontaneous healings.
It is an honor to continue Dolores’s remarkable legacy as a QHHT® Practitioner, guiding individuals to embrace their own truth, healing, and wisdom.
From this place of love and evolution, anything and everything becomes possible.
Beaming light, love, and infinite joy to all.
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