Oneness Through Love
LOVE is our Super Power
Wowser, April 2022 has been a really tough one. I’m sure others resonate and for me in particular it was heavy, emotional, sludgy, and very low vibe, coming at me from all directions into my energy field, over and over and over. This gruelling month seemed to be endless, until finally relief and realignment when the planetary energetic shift occurred once the New Moon and Solar Eclipse of early May passed us by. Then like a solar wave of upbeat positive energy beamed through my heart and frequented spaces, immediately feeling lighter and brighter.
In the wee hours of May 6th around 3amish, of which is not unusual for me, I received a flood of downloads, I became super restless unable to sleep, tossing and turning and then suddenly all of this brilliant intel poured directly into my consciousness. It was crystal clear, the clarity and resonance I felt from it, for it and with it, I am it. In these moments I feel the most connected to my higher self, source, Universe. What I fail to do is get up immediately and write it down, instead waiting till my head feels like it’s going to explode and I have no choice but to somehow relay the information into words, at a more respectable hour.
When sharing my downloads with a friend, she informed me that the Schumann Resonance peaked at 4:20am on the 7th May. For anyone unfamiliar with the Schumann Resonance, my very basic understanding is the SR are a set of spectrum peaks that record the pulse and vibration of mother earth. These frequencies correspond with human brainwaves and there were 11 hours of what they call white out spiking around this same time. I encourage you to research further if you’re interested as the Schumann Resonance could help gain understanding for those who are sensitive to energies and vibrational frequencies.
Before going to bed, I was contemplating the crown chakra and preparing to facilitate a workshop the following day. It was probable that I was subconsciously requesting guidance although when I receive information in this way it flows through very fast and effortlessly, I am in-between wakefulness and sleep, I feel completely open and connected, supported and on track. The crux of the downloaded information I received was “oneness through love”, providing my enquiring mind with the reassuring validation of this cosmic truth. Knowing that this information coming through, was in fact from me, not from any external source at all but from an all knowing place of truth and love from deep within my soul of which is the commonality human beings share, we each, already know everything there is to know.
Messages for humanity or for the greater good are not new, in fact many people share similar insights regularly, however in my experience and discussions with people that I know and the new people that I meet day to day, most still struggle to grasp this truth due to the damage caused by endless nefarious programming as we navigate the low vibrational 3D existence. During workshops, I mindfully observe the majority of souls are aware, and some are awakening to the truth of “oneness through love”, however many are heavily distracted by their personal suffering and have varying layers suppressing their energy. Most are doing their best to break through the veil of darkness and fear, if only we could just get out of our own way and surrender into love.
Every human and sentient soul on this planet is connected, we are one. We are all divine sparks of source, fractals of light, God particles and Universal splendour, each and every one of us. Quite often I highlight this to individuals in person and mention to them that their inner light is shining so brightly, and they are in fact a divine spark of God/Source/Universe, responses are varied and some beautiful souls light up even brighter, however, sadly, most shrivel at the thought of been seen in this way and withdraw from their magnificence.
Remembering the very intent and purpose of the malevolent beings who programmed humanity was to separate us from our Source, and to sever our innate connection to ourselves and each other. The purpose and creation of race, religion, culture, currency, was to divide the human race, in this division we have forgotten our own divinity and humanity.
In our collective amnesia we see ourselves as separate from Source and choose instead to seek external validation pretty much from anything and everything else. In our separation we lose our way, becoming lost and disconnected. We are giant reflecting mirrors for each other, we feel each other and reflect our light and love outwards to each other, this is how we experience connection. We also reflect our pain and suffering outwards and this too rains down upon others. Like energy attracting like energy. When we resonate with something, we are intrinsically drawn to it, like a moth to a flame, alternatively, when we are repelled by something, we turn the other way, we retreat. In our withdrawal from connection to self and everything we seem to have found a new way to survive and have become somewhat comfortable in disconnection and suffering and continue the victim consciousness cycle. All the while, our manifestations occur on a gigantic scale, a frequency, a vibration, that we, and here is the clincher, we choose.
An example is the current Ukraine war of which is playing out on the global stage. War is merely a reflection of our individual internal wars and battles that play out through all of our relationships of which becomes our generational story, an ongoing cycle of history repeating itself, recycling endless pain and suffering, around and around we go.
When we consciously move to free ourselves from the shackles of fear-based generational programming, we slowly begin to remember we are connected to everyone and everything, we beam our soul love frequency out into the ethos, simply by changing our attitude and shifting our perspective, breaking toxic cycles and patterns and suddenly we rise into our true nature.
Then if by magic, an awakening of understanding emerges, new learnings blossom, as we yawn loudly, stretch out our limbs and wake up from a very long sleep. We are vulnerable, we are divine and we are truly blessed. Loving life again we set out to reconnect with humankind in a loving and wholesome way and all trauma, fear and anything that does not serve our highest good, dissolves. These actions elevate consciousness for all of humanity as we remember and relive the wonders of love, to feel love, to receive love, to be love.
There is no higher frequency than love, love is the highest possible vibration available to humanity and there is no opposite of love, love has no opposite, love is the frequency of Source, God, Universe and the beating heart of Mother Earth, love is us, we are love, in this love we are ONE.
Love is our Super Power, remembering who we are and why we are here, we have everything we need to get out of our own way and BE love once more, choose LOVE and the truth of “oneness through love” to reconnect us and magnify the highest possible frequency, beyond time and space, throughout the multiverse.
In Light, Love & Infinite Joy
Kimley xXx
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