Tips for making your home sacred.
Understanding Sacred Chakras
Understanding Sacred Chakras
Chakras are energy centres within the human body.
“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word and translates to “wheels of light” and originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC (The Vedas, earliest Sanskrit literary records).
When taking the courageous journey within, we begin to understand, or maybe we already know, that everything is in fact energy.
Our interior energy landscape is it’s own brilliant hub of wisdom. The seven main chakras each corresponding to a colour, specific organs, as well as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of being.
Bringing awareness and intention to each of the seven chakra energy centres, will develop a balanced existence and significantly enhance overall wellness.
Personal chakra awareness creates linkages back to the physical, emotional, psychological and environmental factors and in turn increases understanding of your spirituality and the deeper meaning of life. Every aspect of your life is interconnected and woven into your soul story.
A comfortable place to begin chakra awareness is to identify your seven main energy centres. By bringing awareness to their presence, we bring energy to them and start a subtle healing and alignment process. Where intention goes energy flows.
Affirmations are statements made by the conscious mind
Bringing awareness to groundedness, abundance, strength, love, truth, awakeness and connectedness is a channel to your human soul.
Affirmations are statements made by the conscious mind that are directed to the subconscious mind. Affirmations are self empowering, self governed, free and always available to us.
A human being has an innate intelligence working harmoniously and seamlessly as a mind, body and spirit, in a fluid dance of peace of mind, awareness of body and purpose of spirit.
Our Chakra Affirmations are for you to add to your spiritual toolkit.
Repeat them with loving intent, as often as possible.
Kimley Allen
I AM Meditation
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