Tips for making your home sacred.
Spiritual Sovereignty
Spiritual Sovereignty
Beautiful souls, there is REAL Spiritual Warfare underway!
What does it mean to be spiritually sovereign, especially now in these polarizing times amidst a global crisis and pandemic of fear?
I have been closely observing the increasing upheaval on the energetic front and how it is impacting deeply within my own psyche, my family and community. Moment after moment our world leaders are broadcasting a tsunami of statistics, demands, restrictions and orders that directly impact on our civil liberties and our human rights. My mother 73 who is in lockdown in Melbourne says, “I am a prisoner in my own home, I am afraid but enough is enough!”
Tidal waves of relentless programming crash down through mass media sources into the ether, seeping down into our personal energy fields. I stay informed from a safe distance, but it is literally hurting my ears and my head, as I struggle to digest lumps of intel, that quite frankly just do not add up, for me or anyone of sound mind. I liken the feeling to an irritating endless mind ache, with nauseating gastric discomfort, with lots of gurgling and unpleasantries. This is a real side effect I am experiencing due to our current global vibe, and I know that I am not alone here. Many have shared with me the significant toll the fear mongering is taking on them and their families and of course there will be many hidden side effects devastating the population that will far surpass the reach of any man made virus. On a brighter note, those asleep are waking up en masse. Given we are living in the Age of Information; ignorance is indeed a choice.
It’s been a tough slog to remain focused and positive during this time, practicing mindfulness and presence to stay grounded so as not to get lost down the endless rabbit hole. Phasing in and out of cognitive dissonance, as the despicable atrocities are revealed and the spotlight shines brightly on the shadow side of humanity. It is normal to have moments of low energy, anxiety, negativity and complete exhaustion which requires a full disconnect at times. Nevertheless, we must soldier on and endure, “this” and I’m not sure if it’s a thing yet but it could be termed “Plandemic Fatigue”.
Open your throat chakra, it is time to Speak UP!
So what can we do about it, when we are stuck between a rock and a hard place, as innocent bystanders, amidst an energetic battlefield, as the global warfare between Service to Others (Light) and Service to Self (Dark) forces battle it out. I personally, refuse to become collateral damage, muzzled and silenced or injected. So with discernment, trust and faith in the highest good of humanity, we can declare our sovereignty, we can speak up. Even if our voice quivers, even if you only do this from the comfort of your home. Open that throat chakra, it is time to speak UP!
In these unprecedented times, the most empowering thing we can do is exercise our Free Will, simply by declaring our sovereignty, each and every one of us can make a difference. Leading the way, are millions of aware and awake spiritual warriors and all it takes is a shift in mindset equals a SHIFT in CONSCIOUSNESS by exercising your FREE WILL. A simple nudge from fear to LOVE elevates humanity from bondage and darkness to a place of Truth, Loving Kindness and Peace.
The Global crisis is about Truth and Freedom Vs Tyranny!
There are many Declarations of Sovereignty available, I encourage you to search for one that resonates with you, better still make your own, this is a simple version:
I am a sovereign human being of planet earth
I do not consent to anything that does not serve my highest good
I exercise my Free Will from this moment forward
I am a Lightworker and of Service to Others
For the highest good of humanity
With Love and Gratitude
In Light and Truth
Upon declaring these words out loud, in my daily sacred practice, I am able to release the energetic burden and “Plandemic Fatigue” symptoms I am experiencing and more importantly, it feels right and good! As well as continuing daily spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga and Reiki and a complete unplug from mainstream media, has been of enormous value to me through these unchartered waters.
Thrive in your divine light, with resilience and fortitude, be a positive role model in your soul collective, be proactive, hopeful and purposeful, compassionate and kind. Trust that all will be revealed in the perfect way and the perfect time. We did choose to be here NOW! Connect with like-minded souls as often as you can, we are never alone and we are in this together.
This global crisis is about truth and Freedom Vs Tyranny!
You are so loved and humanity needs you!
Stay strong, be patient, remember joy, be true and shine your Light.
Remain calm, ride the waves, this too shall pass.
In Light and Truth
K xXx
ps. Please do your own research, research, research with discernment.
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