Tips for making your home sacred.
Finding peace within the chaos
Finding peace within the chaos
There is no denying that we are experiencing surmountable challenges at this time, with the goal posts changing daily, while we each navigate our own personal and professional circumstances.
We need to remember that we don’t need anybody’s permission to do something that will make our world a little lighter and brighter. Stand firm in your truth, follow your heart and your intuition, unleash your god given gifts from the core of your spirit, with no fear only love.
At any given moment, only you know, how you truly feel, and only you know what is right for you, always trust your internal compass, your heart and your intuition, they will never fail you.
If your heart is heavy and every cell in your body is uneasy, your throat is blocked as you struggle to find the right words or you’re done with the for and against narrative or there is a raging volcano inside, on the edge of eruption.
Without judgement, trust the emotions you are feeling right now, they are real. Everything you are feeling is valid, allow yourself to feel them, sit in them, for a short time and then release them and let them go. You can do this is over and over, to help counteract, the fear, the rage, the anger, the confusion, or whatever feelings come up for you, just keep doing the work on self, otherwise you risk becoming stuck in the grey thick sludge of unresolved feelings.
Give yourself permission to practice the pause, press your pause button, put yourself on PAUSE … take a long slow deep breath … and a BIG energetic step backwards and come home to your heart centre.
Focus on all the things that bring love, lightness and balance to your life, right now. Find your creative spark and connect to the people who love and support you, or try something different and reach out to someone new. Only allow into your energy field, those who will lend a kind ear, give you support and encouragement and with whom you resonate with on a similar energetic level.
It is true, there are limitations and restrictions we are all facing, however, the only real limitations are those we put on ourselves, when we go against our innate internal compass.
When you choose to expend your energy on what truly matters, the heaviness in your heart will dissipate allowing peace to flow in. When we enact all the best parts of our divine selves, the obstacles merely fade away, it is then, we realise that we are indeed, our own biggest obstacle.
We are all doing the best we can, so with loving kindness, PAUSE, find compassion for yourself and allow space and time to rest, to relax, to step back and release the emotions and repeat whenever you need to. Pausing gives you the moment to stop and to take a deep breath, allowing precious chunks of time, as much as you need, and then you can choose to respond, rather than react.
When you don’t know how to feel or what to do and you flip from the nurturer to needing to be nurtured and then sometimes we are courageous and sometimes we erupt and other times we need to retreat and observe from afar. It is okay to feel all of these things. Take a deep breath, step back and pause. In times of chaos and uncertainty, it is essential to claim this time and allow a moment or two or three to find the peace within.
Peace, is that magical place within, where we dwell in safety and sacredness, where we patiently observe, where we sit in majesty and in gratitude, for all that is.
Find your pathway to peace, and you will find sanctuary in the chaos.
In light, love and infinite joy.
Kimley xXx
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